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Elspeth Kirkman

Head of BIT North America, The Behavioural Insights Team 



Elspeth Kirkman is the Head of BIT North America, BIT's New York office. BIT North America's founding client is Bloomberg Philanthropies, as part of the new What Works Cities initiative. This program builds on existing innovation at the city level in the USA by helping mayors and local leaders use data and evidence to engage the public, make government more effective and improve people's lives.  Elspeth's team will focus on low cost evaluations across US cities.
Elspeth was previously the founding Director of the Behavioural Research Centre for Adult Skills and Knowledge (ASK); a three year programme of work investigating the applications of behavioural science to adult education. During her time with the team, Elspeth has worked on a range of complex social issues, leading evaluations in settings as diverse as foster care, national school funding and employment.
Prior to joining BIT, Elspeth was a senior consultant at a large consultancy firm where she worked on a wide range of public service projects and won the company’s annual “Leader of the Future” award.


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