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Nathalie Nahai

Web Psychologist



Nathalie Nahai is a web psychologist, whose approach is based on empirical evidence drawn from a wealth of disciplines including psychology, human computer interaction, neuroscience, and behavioural economics. A new kind of Futurist, she delivers scientific as well as theoretical insight regarding why and how we use the internet and other forms of technology. 

With a background in psychology, web design and development and digital strategy, Nathalie coined the term ‘Web Psychology’ in 2011. Her first book, Webs of Influence: The Psychology of Online Persuasion was published in 2012 and became a business best-seller following its selection as WH Smith’s Book of the Month.

Nathalie’s focus is to help businesses understand how they can use psychology online to design more effective products, platforms and services. She also informs consumers and businesses alike about how technology can be engineered to influence our decisions and behaviours, and how this can be leveraged in an ethical way that benefits both the business and their customers.


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